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The Calendar Project

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey through the cosmos and discover the ancient secrets of Kemetic astrology? In “The Calendar Project,” I invite you to explore a world where the stars and planets hold the key to your inner self, your destiny, and the path to fulfillment.

The Kemetic Civilization

For millennia, the Kemetic civilization, rooted in the fertile Nile Valley, delved into the profound connection between the celestial bodies and human existence. Now, I bring you the culmination of years of research and wisdom in this eBook, unveiling the timeless knowledge of Kemetic astrology, reimagined for the modern seeker.

About The Author

Metu The Scribe

As an avid student of philosophy and history, My chief resource is my unquenchable thirst for and study of  Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) history. Through my research and studies, I am able to portray the civilization and social order in great detail, from the commoner to the high priest and royal family, I show who they were, their habits, customs, and their devotion to their reality of life beyond earthly existence. 

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